
I am an ex-research microbiologist, science writer of sorts, and friend to all bacteria. Here, I post stories from the wonderful world of scientific research, focusing on microbiology and infectious disease. When I'm not doing science, I write found adult novels about totalitarian regimes, impossible sea-monsters, and deadly plagues.

I have a popular science book out with Bloomsbury Sigma - it's called 'Catching Breath - The Making and Unmaking of Tuberculosis'.

I am currently working on a teen horror set on a haunted pier. If you want to find out more about my fiction writing endeavours, come and say hello on Hidden Universes - https://scientistsonbooks.blogspot.co.uk 


sally said...

Hi Germblog,

I hope it is OK that I have pinned one of your cartoons on Pinterest from a blog with credit to your blog. Here's the pin and if there is a problem, I will happily change it. http://pinterest.com/pin/139470919679981810/

Judy Weleminsky said...

Hi Kathryn. I am working on a new treatment for TB and would like to be in contact with you. Can you give me a contact email address? please email me at judywele@aol.com

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